Thursday, March 19, 2020

William (Bill) Herron Essays - ECUK Licensed Members, Free Essays

William (Bill) Herron Essays - ECUK Licensed Members, Free Essays William (Bill) Herron CEng FIMechE Bill graduated in 1984 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering (1st class) Newcastle Upon Tyne and started his Engineering design career at Ferranti Defence Systems Edinburgh. Designing and developing airborne radar systems for Sea Harrier fixed wing aircraft and Lynx/EH101 helicopters. He then moved to Unisys Corporation in Livingston Scotland . Designing and developing high speed cheque reading machines for financial institutions. From there Bill joined British Gas in Cramlington Northumberland in 1991 as a Senior Mechanical Engineer responsible for the design and development of the complete range of magnetic flux leakage inspection systems. British Gas sold off the On Line Inspection Centre to Mercury Asset Management (MAM) in 1998 and MAM began to grow the company until it eventually sold off to GE Oil & Gas in 2002 Bill spent a total of approximately 22.5 years designing the various in line inspection systems as part of the main fleet and to bespoke client requirements. Managing teams of engineers (Mechanical, Electronics, Physicists , Designers UK , Stutensee Germany , Calgary Canada , Houston USA and Bangalore India. Employed as the Chief Consulting Engineer and Mechanics COE Manager for the whole business covering metal loss , crack detection, geometry measurement, cleaning , multi diameter and unpiggable pipeline inspection technologies. Bill is currently employed as Engineering Manager at IHC Engineering Business Northumberland and is a full time member of the SMT, responsible for all Engineering design for Mechanics, Electrical, Hydraulics, Draughting IHC EB designs, develops and supplies bespoke equipment for the subsea trenching/ploughing and Flex-Lay/Pipelay system markets worldwide and Bill holds a Resource budget responsibility of ~8.5M and technically influences a procurement budget of in excess of 40M on an annual basis. Bills management responsibilities include know how for the whole Engineering function.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Contently for Freelancers

Contently for Freelancers A freelancer in one of my online groups posted that he received a $500 writing assignment for a 500-word profile. This assignment fell into his lap because of his Contently profile. Im a firm believer in the not all your eggs in the same basket school of thought. Contently falls into this category. It wont generate enough money to be your sole source of income, but it is an additional money making avenue. Contently ( is a site that connects freelance writers with large corporate clients. Although freelancers cant actively search for work, the pay rates are significant enough to compensate. Most assignments are in the $0.75-$2.00 per word range. Most flat rates range from $200 to $1,500. To create a portfolio, go to and create an account. Its free. It will take approximately 15-30 minutes to set up, depending on the number of clips you have to attach. Youll need a current email and at least one URL to a published work. You can also upload documents from your computer. Contently has a tool that will search for other works Leslie, a freelancer in the group, shared that he felt the